ISPS Code Audit

Since September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in U.S.A, International Maritime Industry recognized that ship and shipping infrastructure were facing increasing maritime security risk. In order to fight and suppress maritime security threat,improve cooperation between governments within international frame as well as promote relevant parties (including governmental organization, port industry and shipping industry) to perform respective duties and carry out effective information communication so as to detect, prevent and suppress maritime security threat as well as prevent security incidents(e.g. piracy and stowaway, etc.) from occurring, International Maritime Organization(IMO) developed International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code), later on 12th December 2002, the Conference of Contracting Governments to 1974 SOLAS Convention adopted the Code as new Chapter Xl-2 to SOLAS Convention.
Scope of application for ISPS
The following ships engaged on international voyages:
Passenger ships including high speed passenger craft;
Cargo ships, including high-speed craft of 500 gross tonnage and above; and
Mobile offshore drilling units; and
Port facilities serving such ships engaged on international voyages.
Category of certification.
Approval of Ship Security Plan (SSP)
ISClass has obtained authorization from several Administrations to carry out approval to security plan of ships entitled to fly their flag according to ISPS Code.
Certification of international Ship Security Certificate (ISSC)
ISClass has obtained authorization from several Administrations to carry out audit to security plan of ships entitled to fly their flags according to ISPS Code and issue International Ship Security Certificate(ISSC).